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Package, Position, Profit: How to Build a Legal Practice the 21st Century Wants to Buy (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781787427235
Published: April 2017
Publisher: Ark Group
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £50.00
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The legal market is changing rapidly. But much of law firms’ marketing activity is based on what the firm is today, rather than what it needs to be tomorrow.

The activity centres on ‘quick wins’ rather than addressing how the firm will need to be packaged, positioned, and perceived in the future in order to attract new purchases and the type of client it really wants.

This book has been written to show you how to package and position your firm in a way that will allow you to profit from your efforts. We’ll cut through some of the marketing-speak that all-too-often either prevents or puts lawyers off getting to the heart of building a viable, relevant marketing strategy. We’ll also look at some practical examples of how best to design the right strategy for your firm and, most importantly, how you can implement those ideas easily so that they start delivering commercial success.

If you are to pilot your firm, practice, or department through the next phase of the legal industry’s development, you need to be cannier in the way you take it to market. The good news is that if you get the packaging, positioning, and promotion right, you are well on the way to winning the work you want at the fee level you want, and that simply has to be the most direct route to profitable growth.

Legal Practice Management, eBooks
About the author
Executive summary
Chapter 1: An introduction to today
Chapter 2: First steps towards building a law firm 21st-century clients want to buy
Chapter 3: Defining your proposition
Chapter 4: How to use your client value proposition
Chapter 5: How to position your firm
Chapter 6: Examples of packaging and positioning in today’s legal market
Chapter 7: How to price your services
Epilogue: Is there actually a fifth ‘P’?