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DNA: Forensic and Legal Applications

ISBN13: 9780471414780
ISBN: 0471414786
Published: October 2004
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Hardback
Price: £128.00

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DNA: Forensic and Legal Applications covers the technology and laws related to DNA, as well as the use of DNA evidence in the legal system. This combination of science and law makes it the first comprehensive title of its kind and an appropriate reference for those with both elementary and advanced knowledge of the topic.

It draws together in one source information that would previously have required extensive research and reliance on experts to obtain, offering both breadth and depth in a clear style without s acrificing scholarly goals.

With material from both scientific and legal areas, DNA: Forensic and Legal Applications covers the latest advances in technology. It provides an ideal text for forensic scientists and students of forensic science, analytical chemists, lawyers, judges, police officers, and detectives.

Medical Law and Bioethics
1. Biochemistry, Genetics, and Replication of DNA.
2. Biological Evidence—Science and Criminal Investigation.
3. Forensic DNA Analysis Methods.
4. Genetics, Statistics, and Databases.
5. Litigating a DNA Case.
6. DNA Evidence at Trial.
7. Exonerating the Innocent through DNA.
Appendix A: Bibliography: Selected by Topic Area.
Appendix B: Cases Involving the Admissibility of DNA Evidence.
Appendix C: Information Pertinent to Attempts to Overturn Convictions Based Upon DNA Evidence;
Appendix D: Offenses in New York State Resulting in Mandatory DNA Testing for Database Inclusion.
Appendix E: Postconviction DNA Testing, Preservation of Evidence and Compensation for Wrongful; Convictions: Relevant Legislative Information.
Appendix F: Items Obtained through Discovery.
Appendix G: Glossary.